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Home: by His Grace, for His Glory

Friday, February 26, 2010

About to soldier

            by  Cathryn
He emerged once
weak, beginning, needy
nothing like he'd become
decades down the road.

Dozing as he grew
struggling, moving mountains;
     ME was his mantra.
A day passed and then another
and on and on he grew.

He stood defiant, knowing his mind
believing he was whole
yet still a kernel popping through
            the soil of time.
Violent, quiet, charming, words and words
            and endless ideas swam from his interior.

And his body did not contour to my own any longer;
his friends were over there, not here, not with me.
     And he grew in stature and he did know so much
(maybe not as much as he thought he knew, but much).

He wedded the princess of his youth and
 emerged a husband,
caring, protecting, loving, being a man.

And again, he emerges-
though this time his emergence takes him far from me.
That is okay for that is why this kernel grew
to be blown away by God's hand and grow in new lands.

And now another dark land emerges into his life
fighting his life.

A land of scrub brush and hidden bombs
of people fighting against my son, the infidel.
again, I pray he emerges, alive, stronger, wiser
and even more tender to what is true and beautiful.


Unknown said...

Loved this- and your blog. Congratulations! This looks terrific. I know you will minister to many.

solarblogger said...

Sounds like John!

Anne said...

Cathryn, as usual you have interesting thoughts and much to share. I enjoyed reading tonight.